Pizza, Pizza

This evening we met up with as much of the crew as we could (schedule clashes and whatnot) and discussed our plans for the next few weeks.  Hilarious tangents aside we made quite a bit of progress on all fronts, introducing new crew members to our zany dynamic, going over our new positions and assignments as well as some hurricane force brainstorming.

We tried our best to classify our thought process from “One Track A.D.D.” to”Crack Coffee”.  It’s great to be in a room with everyone flinging ideas off of each other, but in all seriousness once we buckle down with a little help from a Jedi Mind Trick provided by our Assistant Director we’re able to blast through hours of work in half the time.We even took some time to touch base with our crew members who aren’t in the area.  We’ll be planning another get-together like this soon so we can get a better sense of how we’ll all fit in the final project.

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